Many times we have multiple Google accounts of Gmail or Orkut or Google Groups etc. & we wish to access them simultaneously. One solution can be login into different accounts using different browsers but if you want to access the accounts using the same browser, then go for the trick below.
Step 1:
Open System properties ( Right clicking my computer >> Properties), choose tab advanced, click to environment variables button. In system variables section, click new. Type this information to each textbox.
variable name: "moz_no_remote" (should be all small letters and without quotes).
variable value: 1Step 2:
open Firefox Shortcut properties (create a shortcut of Firefox and right click on it, goto properties). Add extension -p to command line (like "c: \ program files \ mozilla firefox \ firefox.exe" -p). Press Ok.
Step 3:
When you will open Firefox it will prompt for profile selection create a new profile, open Firefox using new profile, login to Gmail / Orkut.
Create as many profiles as you want to access different Google accounts. Remember, new profiles will have default network settings and other settings.
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