Sony Ericsson W910i Illegally in Love with Apple

By Koushik Saha on 17.4.08

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Sony Ericsson and Apple don't really have much in common, except the fact that both companies produce and sell mobile devices, among other things. Well, some
ingenious owner of a Sony Ericsson W910i apparently found a way to make his SE handset and Apple look like long-time lovers.

The owner we talk about seems to have a unique Sony Ericsson W910i: with Apple's apple (couldn't have said it otherwise) as a wallpaper, but not any kind of wallpaper. It's an animated one that spins the (A)apple as you spin and move the phone, in such way that the apple is always kept with its bottom down, no matter how you orientate the W910. It's like the fruit (may I call it this way, although it's just a logo?) has more weight in its lower part and the implacable law of gravity keeps it in a vertical position all the time.While you might think this is not news-worthy (of course, it's not actually news, at least not in the "X launched Y with the Z feature" way), I'm sure it's interesting for those who love both Sony Ericsson and Apple. And I'm also sure many of you would want to have such an Apple wallpaper, even if you don't own a W910 handset. Unfortunately, the guy who posted the video with the "spinning Apple" says the wallpaper is only on his MacBook. Or at least it was one month ago, because he seems to be willing to share it with those who "ask nicely". So you can still try your luck if you think the wallpaper is cool.

On a not-quite-related note: wouldn't it be nice if Sony Ericssson and Apple could somehow make an agreement to create a handset that has the look and technical specs of a high-end SE phone, plus a multi-touch Mac OS, like the iPhone? This handset could be both excellent in functionality and hugely popular. But Apple and Sony Ericsson will probably never think about such a thing. Unfortunately.

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Posted on July 22, 2008 at 4:12 PM