Revealing saved password

By Koushik Saha on 29.3.08

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This is useful only when the password has been stored using the Wand manager or Password manager. This tutorial requires Opera browser. It may be possible even with IE and Firefox, but I have not thought over it. Probably, saving the source as a different file may work there.

1. Open the page into which you want to fill-in your login details(user ID and password). let the page load completely.
2. Once page loads completely, press Ctrl +F3 to view the source.
3. Use the find function(Ctrl + F). Search for 'password'.

Once you reach the element for password field as shown in below illustration,change that 'password'

to 'text'.# Now press the 'Apply changes' button which is at left-upper-corner of the tab.The original page will reload and changes will take effect
# Now click that 'wand button' and Voila,see the password!

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