Read your favourite book in cybook

By Koushik Saha on 2.3.08

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We here at tech skill love nature, that's why we want to show some love to the Cybook Gen3.
Basically, this gadget allows you to read (e-)books on some kind of a PDA. This way, you do not need to buy real books, which means no paper, no cut down trees, better for nature, ... you get the point.
Books are big, heavy, they usually don't fit your pocket and are uncomfortable to carry. Thanks to modern technologies, we have plenty of devices to read from.

The Cybook Gen3 is a specifically designed electronic reader, the new display technology makes reading from a display as comfortable as reading a normal book.
By using E-Ink, which requires no backlight to read, we are able to read from our gadget even when sitting in the sun. It almost feels like it's written on real paper. With a screen resolution of 800x600 it fits an entire page on the screen.
The device has a 2.5 stereo mini jack for music listening (device can play mp3 files), 64MB of internal memory, SD slot and USB port.

With a 2GB memory card, you can carry an entire library in your pocket. The battery is really impressive, it lasts for up to 8000 pages.

Price for the Cybook gadget is $350.

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