SMS antivirus solution

By Koushik Saha on 2.5.08

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Chinese security company Rising has launched what seems to be one of the most innovative consumer-oriented security services ever created: an SMS antivirus solution which allows users who encounter problems with the security of their computers to get professional help in a matter of minutes. All a user has to do is to send an SMS message to "106575020236" and wait a few minutes until one of the Rising engineers analyzes the problem and sends suggestions and advice.

According to ChinaTechNews, users can receive technical support straight by SMS, no matter if there are questions related to the Rising products they have bought or not. Moreover, "they can also make use of the platform to subscribe or unsubscribe from Rising's downloaded software."The developers of the service plan to bring new additions in the near future in order to make the SMS antivirus product more powerful and able to provide the correct information users need. The SMS platform is free and open to all users but, in case you want to use it, you have to pay the SMS you send to the company, depending on your network operator fees.

At this time, the SMS service is only available to Chinese users but there's no official statement concerning a potential migration of the platform to other markets such as the US or Europe. However, since these are only the first days of availability, it's interesting to see how many users will adopt such a technical support method, even if it's quite easy to use.

Wang Jianfeng, general manager of Rising's Client Service Center, says that "the company will continue to open more advanced functions for the platform so that users can ask for help related to any data loss or computer virus from Rising's engineers," ChinaTechNews added.

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