VIA has added a new motherboard to its EPIA Mini-ITX series. The EPIA M700 comes with VIA's latest and greatest VX800 integrated graphics chipset, which it couples with a choice of 1GHz fanless or 1.5GHz air-cooled VIA C7 processors, up to 2GB of RAM, and a wealth of connectivity options.
Among those options, users will find a front-panel DVI port, pin headers for extra DVI or HDMI ports, two onboard Gigabit Ethernet controllers (hooked up viaPCI Express), a pair of 300MB/s Serial ATA ports, and digital video input headers. The VX800 chipset adds DirectX 9-class 3D graphics, six-channel high-definition audio, an HD video processor, and hardware video decoding support for MPEG-2, MPEG-4, WMV9, VC1, as well as DivX video.
In Mini-ITX tradition, this entire feature bundle will come on a teeny board measuring just 6.7" x 6.7", or 170 x 170 mm. Samples will appear in "early June," with shipments to follow presumably later this year.
Among those options, users will find a front-panel DVI port, pin headers for extra DVI or HDMI ports, two onboard Gigabit Ethernet controllers (hooked up viaPCI Express), a pair of 300MB/s Serial ATA ports, and digital video input headers. The VX800 chipset adds DirectX 9-class 3D graphics, six-channel high-definition audio, an HD video processor, and hardware video decoding support for MPEG-2, MPEG-4, WMV9, VC1, as well as DivX video.
In Mini-ITX tradition, this entire feature bundle will come on a teeny board measuring just 6.7" x 6.7", or 170 x 170 mm. Samples will appear in "early June," with shipments to follow presumably later this year.
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